lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Santiago's City tour

A foreign tourist should visit the historical neighborhood in Santiago’s center, like the palace La Moneda, the Historical Museum and the Cathedral. In all the center the tourist could find beautiful buildings in neoclassical style and baroque style. Also the Santa Lucía hill and his surrounding area –the Lastarria neighborhood- have interesting places, good bookstores, the bellas Artes Museum, the Visual Arts Museum and the Santiago’s archaeological Museum, and good cake and coffee shops.

I think that a tourist should visit this places, but also he or she should know the outlying neighborhoods because it shows the city like it really is, and they could learn more to the city and to the people who live in Santiago to this way. I recommend that all the tourists walk through the Forest Park, the Salvador Park and the riverside path towards the east, and they could see another version of Santiago.

If they want to eat, they should go to the Central Market. In this place they could find very good and cheap seafood. And if he or she doesn’t like the seafood, they could eat typical chilean food in “El hoyo”.

If you want to dance and have a good night you could go to Bellavista or Suecia. In this places you could find very different styles of discotheque and pubs, but if you want a place quieter in the Lastarria neighborhood are some.

And now...

Inglés IV (Segundo semestre)