lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of My Academic Year.


My academic year was really intense. I had twelve subjects in all the year in my official curricular program, but I had five more because I take two subjects with sociology, one CFG and english III and IV. This is my second year in anthropology, and I did a lot of activities furthermore than academic ones.

I’m part of the CEA (the anthropology’s students center), I belong to a politic group called “Collective Plataform”, I cleaned bones in the first semester, I practised basketball in the first semester too and football in the second one.


In the academic area I could say that some subjects was good and anothers was not, but I actually think that I could learnt interesting things in all of them. In the first semester I had Anthropology III, Statistics II, Linguistic, Phisical anthropology’s elements, Latin America’s History, Psicology, Economy I and English III. My favourite subject was anthropology III, in what we saw historec materialism, cultural materialism and cultural ecology; and the subject that I hated was Latin America’s History because the profesor was indigenist.
The second semester has been awful, I even thought that I should leaved the career, but know I really believe that I must continue until I finish because I reconsidered the pasion for the anthropology. My subjects this semester are Anthropology IV, investigation class, Chilean etnology, etnography, etnohistory, science’s history, Chilean’s social history, economy II and english IV. My favourite subject is Chilean’s social history ans the subject that I really really hate is etnohistory, because I’m not agree with almost anything that the profesor says.

In the politic area the second semester was much better than the first. In the first one we had to do millions of meetings, semetimes unusefulls and without enought classmates, in the second semester this condition not change so much, but the discussions was more productives.


I don’t know how could I prevent that the end of the semester was so horrible, because now I come to a standstill. Since the academic until the politic work, passing by the sports and friends and family I don’t know what to do. But I evaluate this year positivity, because I learnt so much and in different sense, I grew up and now I know more about my career, my objetives, my desires and I know more about the other people too.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Election Day

I’m registered to vote since the last municipal elections, because I think everyone must take on the responsability in the political decisions. However, I feel disappointed about the politicians and the electoral campaings most of the time. In my opinion the electoral campaings aren’t the better way to demostrate the social interest or the goods intentions.

I think a person who is running for president must have good ideas, arguments and intentions to hold this important position. Sometimes I consider to become a politician because in my municipality we have many problems and I know this problems because I have lived in there since I was born. I would like to find a solution and put it into practice, but I’m not interested in be a president or something like that.

Like I already says, I don’t want to have an important public office, but If I must to be government minister I would like to work in economy or the Treasury, because I believe the economy problems in a country are very important.

The five problems that I consider urgent in Chile are:
- Public Education
- Public Health
- Inequality
- Unemployment
- Government’s Legitimacy