lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Leslie White

Leslie White is an American anthropologist known for his theories about cultural evolution and for his role in creating the department of anthropology at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. White born in 1900 in Colorado and studied at Louisiana State University in 1919. In 1921 he transferred to Columbia University, the same university as Franz Boas.

White's views were formulated against the Boasians (Historic Particularism), because he postulated that the world must be divided into cultural, biological, and physical levels (super structural, structural and infrastructural) of phenomenon; the cultural are super structural and it was composed of three levels: the technological, the social organizational, and the ideological. The White’s evolutionist approach is diachronic, but inductive. Is for that reason that I like him so much; he raises a scientific approach in Social Science, he raises a theory generalizing and explanations for the social phenomenon, not just descriptions.

He was president of the American Anthropological Association (1964). And he died in 1975 in California.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Anthropology =)

I study anthropology because I think that it would be a good tool to learn and use this knowledge in a useful way.

The anthropology is separate in three big areas: Fisical Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Arqueology. But I talk to you only about Social Anthropology because it is the one that more interest me.

The Social Anthropology study the cultural variability in the human societies –in a specific and general way- but it have a million subareas like rural, urban, gender (human race), development, apply, economic, etc. And it develop different theories to explain social and cultural phenomenon.

When I begin to study anthropology I wasn’t sure that it was the career I want. I had to think it a lot until I finaly decide to continue study this career. It is complicated to talk about the posible jobs I would have, because the variety in the study areas and aplications od the anthropology.

I hope I would work helping people to understand the social problems that affect to them and give to them the tools to resolve it.
Ah! and my favourite class this semester is "Anthropology III" =D
Bye, see you next week.

My favourite photography is a really big cloud.


I take this photography 3 years ago, in October I think, and I like it because you can see all the colours in a cloud. Some people say the clouds are white, but it prove this isn’t true. Also, it semes like a big cotton, soft and smooth.

In the moment I took this photography I used it to send a message.this cloud have a significance... a importance. I took it when the day begin to get dark in a place near to my house. The tree next to the cloud is a walnut tree and I like his figure. I like the sunset reflected in it.

All the photography have a essence a little dark, like it would be painted whit oil. The light in the cloud’s top vanish near to the house’s roof.

Well, I will be glad if you look my photography and agree whit me, but specialy if you enjoy it.