domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Anthropology =)

I study anthropology because I think that it would be a good tool to learn and use this knowledge in a useful way.

The anthropology is separate in three big areas: Fisical Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Arqueology. But I talk to you only about Social Anthropology because it is the one that more interest me.

The Social Anthropology study the cultural variability in the human societies –in a specific and general way- but it have a million subareas like rural, urban, gender (human race), development, apply, economic, etc. And it develop different theories to explain social and cultural phenomenon.

When I begin to study anthropology I wasn’t sure that it was the career I want. I had to think it a lot until I finaly decide to continue study this career. It is complicated to talk about the posible jobs I would have, because the variety in the study areas and aplications od the anthropology.

I hope I would work helping people to understand the social problems that affect to them and give to them the tools to resolve it.
Ah! and my favourite class this semester is "Anthropology III" =D
Bye, see you next week.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi! I like your post because I am interested in social anthropology too.
    The task we have to do today is to correct post written by other partners, so these are the corrections that I would make:
    Instead of "separate" I would say "divided". I might be wrong but I would say "but I will talk to you only about" instead of " But I talk to you only about". Why don't you say: "because it is the one I am more interested in instead of "because it is the one that more interest me".
    Finally, you wrote "it was the career I want" I think you should say It was the career I wanted".

    See you!

  3. Melinka
    I hope some day you are able to use what you have learned so that you contribute your knowledge to make this a better place to live.


    After the verb ‘be’ (am, is, are, was, were, will be) the verb can have only two forms: ‘working, studying, eating’, speaking, etc (gerund), or ‘worked, studied, eaten, spoken’. So we say:
    • He is speaking in English / English is spoken in U.S.A.
    • This book is interesting / We are interested in this...

    Simple present (BASIC)
    Simple present versus present continuous:
    ALL TENSES, Instructions in Spanish:

    Anthropology =)
    I (DECIDED TO)study anthropology because I thOUGHT that it would be a good tool to learn ABOUT and use this knowledge in a useful way.

    (/) Anthropology is separateD in three big areas: Fisical Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Arqueology. But I AM GOING TO talk to you only about Social Anthropology because it is the one that I AM interestED IN THE MOST

    (/) Social Anthropology studIES the cultural variability in the human societies –in a specific and general way- but it haS a million OF subareas like rural, urban, gender (human race), development, apply, economicS, etc. And it developS different theories to explain social and cultural phenomenon.

    When I begAN to study anthropology I wasn’t sure that it was the career I wantED. I had to think it a lot until I finaly decideD to continue TO study this career. It is complicated to talk about the poSsible jobs I would have, because OF the variety in the study areas and aplications oF the anthropology.

    I hope I (/) work helping people to understand the social problems that affect t (/) them and give (/) them the tools to (/)solve THEM
    Ah! and my favourite class this semester is "Anthropology III" =D
    Bye, see you next week.
