lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

My ideal job!

I would like to work writing the things that I see around. I would like to be a novelist and can describe the history that talks about the life… all the life. To do this job I need money, because if I don’t have money I would have to work to can live. As one of my favourites writers said in her essay A room of one's own” all that a women needs to can writes is five hundred pounds in each year and a room of one's own.

Obviously I need talent too, but I really think that this is posible to developed with hard work and a real motivation.

I don’t know if I’ll do well in this if I do it, because I’ll feel myself a little useless. I’ll always wonder me: is useful for anyone that I write about them? I think that this is the reason because I don’t do that and I study anthropology…

In addition, be a novelist is really difficult because it is a job in that you can’t apply. If you don’t do it, you never find a newspaper’s notice requesting one. All you can do is begin to write everything that you see, hear, like and dislike and created with this something beautiful, something you enjoy.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

The Aedo's subject

Hello classmates! I will talk to you about a subject that you don’t have yet, but you will have it the next year and you will enjoy, suffer and will don’t sleep because of it =)

My favourite subject this semester is anthropology three. The title doesn’t means too much, but the subject’s topic is historic materialism and cultural materialism. The teacher is the Sr. Andrés Aedo, he is a very young and good teacher and because of that he is very strict with us and we have to read many differents and complicated texts.

I like this subject because it isn’t particularist neither relativist. Much of other subjects in the career are more ethnologist than anthropologist, and because of it other teachers don’t teach to us a real theory. The subject is not as “Materialism theory”, but “Anthropology III” is the fisrt theory’s subject that we have.

This semester I learnt about marxism, cultural materialism, cultural ecology and the principal exponents to this theories.

My future (real more than ideal)

I expect that in my future I will work in something relative to the anthropology, specialy if I could do this work in a neighborhood that needs help to be self-managed and to be organized. I want to help that the people don’t need the government neither the prívate companies to have all they want to them goodness and I think that with my work I will can do that.

In five years I hope I will be living alone –without my parents- or with my partner in a department. I don’t care the place where I will could live, but I hope that it will be in Chile, not necessarily in Santiago. In my personal life I prefer don’t make plans, but I don’t really care if I am alone or accompanied. I don’t know if I want to be mother, but if I decided it surely I will don’t do it in five years.

And professionally, I hope that I will finish my career –with title and practice and everything- and maybe I will continue studing a postgrade, mean while I work.

It isn’t really an ideal future, it is rather the future that I really hope to have.