lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

My favourite web site... >.<

The web site SciELO is the scientific electronic library online

In this site you could find a lot of books of many subjects and scientific disciplines, but the best is you could see it for free. the web sites are or, it depends to the country, because the SciELO proyect is developed in many Latin America's countries. In Chile the SciELO proyect is a CONICYT initiative.

This site is in Spanish and Portuguese, and have very interesting articles, even some articles are write for our university's teachers. I found this site for this reason, a teacher gaves me the site for find an article write for her. This article is about Zoology in the south of the valleys Chalchaquíes.

I don't visit this site very often, but I like it because is a good way to accede to scientific magazines, articles, etc. and it's really good for make the works in the diferent subjects.

And then there is, now you could visit the site too.

1 comentario:

  1. Melinka,
    Your post is well organized and some things are very well written, yet, it needs some improving, mainly in terms of grammar, so please have a look a the words in parentheses and try to correct them on the light of the notes below.

    My favourite web site... >.<

    The web site SciELO is the scientific electronic library online.

    In this site you (could) find a lot of books (of: USE ‘ON’ OR ‘ABOUT’) many subjects and scientific disciplines, but the best (MISSING: THING) is (THAT) you (could see: SEE LETTER (a) BELOW) it for free. (the: CAPITAL ‘T’) web (MISSING. HAS TWO U.R.L.S: THESE WEB sites are or, it depends (OF/ SEE (b) BELOW) the country, because the SciELO proyect is developed in many Latin America's countries. In Chile the SciELO proyect is a CONICYT initiative.

    This site is in Spanish and Portuguese, and( have) very interesting articles, AND even some articles (are write) (for: SEE (d) BELOW) our university's teachers. I found this site for this reason, a teacher gave( ) me the site TO find an article (write: USE PAST PARTICIPLE: SEE LETTER (d) BELOW) for her. This article is about Zoology in the south of the (valleys Chalchaquíes: WORD ORDER)

    I don't visit this site very often, but I like it because (MISSING SUBJECT) is a good way to accede ACCESS ( ) scientific magazines, articles, etc. and it's really good (for make: SEE (e) BELOW) the (works: SAY: ASSIGNMENTS) in the difFerent subjects.

    And (then there is : SAY: THAT’S IT,) now you (could visit) the site, too.

    a) Use ‘You can’see/find/etc. for the present.
    b) We say: ‘ It depends ON the time’,’ Depending ON the weather’, etc.
    c) Say: I/you/we/they have - He/she/it / the site/ Brian has
    d) Whe someone has done something we say: is/are written/painted/done/eaten/ etc. BY me/Vargas Llosa/Da Vinci/etc.
    e) Verbs take ‘ing’ after prepositions: I use it for writing, He sat there without speaking, She’s good at singing.
